ENISA pioneers the development of proper mechanisms and consistency for cyber incident and crisis management.

Cyber Crisis Management

ENISA’s crisis management activities provide guidance to cybersecurity bodies in Member States on their crisis management, situational awareness, coordination and political decision-making capacities. ENISA acts as the secretariat for CyCLONe (Cyber Crises Liaison Organisation Network) and the EU CSIRTs Network.

ENISA serves as an information hub and empower the cooperation of CSIRTs Network, CyCLONe  and all actors involved in the EU to collaborate and respond to large scale incidents and crises by providing the best tools and support in order to:
  • Enhance and improve incident response capabilities and readiness across the Union through CSIRTs Network.
  • Enable effective European cybersecurity crisis management via CyCLONe .
  • Ensure coordination in cybersecurity crisis management among relevant EU institutions, bodies and agencies (e.g. CERT-EU, EEAS, EUROPOL).
  • Improve maturity and capabilities of operational communities (CSIRTs Network, CyCLONe and EUIBAs) including cooperation with Law enforcement
  • Contribute to preparedness, shared situational awareness, coordinated response and recovery to large scale cyber incidents and crises across different communities
  • Support the evolution of EU joint response by enabling the deployment of EU level proposals

The CySOPex exercise aims to test Member States procedures for fast cyber crisis management in the EU when facing large-scale, cross-border cyber incidents and crisis. All Member States and the European Commission are taking part in the exercise organised by the CyCLONe Chair and by the EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) that acts as the secretariat of the network and exercise organizer.

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