
ENISA Contact Information

ENISA Athens office

The official address of the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity is:
Ethnikis Antistaseos 72 & Agamemnonos 14, Chalandri 15231, Attiki, Greece

Visitors may use:
  • Ethnikis Antistaseos 72, Chalandri 15231, Attiki, Greece
Deliveries (e.g. mail) should be made to:
  • Agamemnonos 14, Chalandri 15231, Attiki, Greece

VAT Number: 999083483

ENISA Heraklion office in Crete

  • Nikolaou Plastira 95, Vassilika Vouton, 700 13 Heraklion, Greece

ENISA Brussels Office

Rue de la Loi 107, 1049 Brussels, Belgium

General queries

If you have any questions regarding the Agency’s operations please contact us by e-mail.

Web related queries

If you have any questions regarding this website, please contact us by email:

Recruitment inquiries

If you have any questions regarding recruitment, you can contact the ENISA recruitment team.

Media inquires

Public access to documents requests

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