Securing key infrastructures across the Union.

Critical infrastructure

ENISA provides state-of-the-art advice and counsel to EU national authorities on safeguarding critical infrastructure such as power grids, telecoms and mass transportation systems essential to the national and cross-border security of essential services.

ENISA has long been working in telecoms, energy and other critical sectors with the supervision of security measures to help mitigate such risks.

Across sectors including ICT, energy, finance, health and rail, maritime and aviation transport, ENISA works to ensure the highest level of trustworthiness in command and control and supervisory control systems used in all critical infrastructure networks.

  • ENISA’s expertise and counsel has been and remains crucial to the awareness and protection against new and sophisticated cyber threats to the EU’s critical infrastructure.
  • This level of expertise helps ensure that the internal market imperatives of ease of access and oversight are strengthened throughout the EU to resist cyberattacks, attacks which could otherwise lead to breakdowns and even shutdowns in critical infrastructure.
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